Elev8U Courses

‘Why should I strength train’ I hear you ask. Strength training has so many benefits.

Strength training is beneficial for injury prevention in sports or fitness regimes as it helps support your skeletal system. Strength training burns more fat than cardio and it keeps burning for longer by boosting your metabolism. It can help with chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. It also boosts your mood and if you’re worried you’ll end up looking like Arnie, you won’t.

Elev8u  Lift


This small group PT course is a lifting class designed for complete beginners or advanced lifters.

We have a minimum of 3 people, maximum of 6.

We teach you everything from the basics to Olympic Lifting .

Teaching technique and form to get you stronger and more confident in your lifts.


We’ll build you a weekly logbook and continue with weekly goals.

This course is 6 weeks and on Saturdays at 6.30am

Dates are  22/01, 29/01, 05/02, 12/02, 19/02, 05/03/ 2022

Course Price:-

Non members £65 which includes 1 other Elev8u class of your choice each week.

Non Members £50 course only

Members £45 members



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